If you frequently need to pack a lot of stuff into your car or truck, you’ll be glad to know that there are a few tricks to doing this that will help to make your life a whole lot easier.
While you might think just shoving things in wherever they fit is going to be the best option, there are strategies that you can and should use if you want to be able to maximize the space in your vehicle and get everything to safely fit where you need. To help you see how this can be done and learn a few lessons from professionals who deal with container packing, here are three tips for better packing in your car or truck.
Start With A Clean Slate
When you have a lot of things that you’re trying to get to fit into the limited space of your car or truck, the best thing that you can do is to give yourself a clean slate to work with.
If you have a lot of junk already in your vehicle, it’s going to be much harder for you to work around these items and get what you’re needing to fit into your vehicle. So before you set out to try to work around items that you might normally like to have in your vehicle, if there are things that you don’t need for this trip or that you aren’t actually trying to take with you, consider removing them from the vehicle completely so that you have more space to work with.
Pack Items In The Smaller Containers
Especially for things like moving, it might seem like it will save you time to just leave everything in its completed form and try to pack them as-is. However, if you’re worried at all about your ability to get everything to fit into your vehicle, you’re going to want to break things down to their smallest form and pack them in the smallest containers that they’ll fit in.
When you have smaller containers that you’re working with, you can more easily find space for them to fit and give yourself the best chance of getting everything in.
Pack The Biggest And Heaviest Items First
Even when broken down to their smallest form or separated into smaller containers, you might still have some larger and heavier items that you’re trying to pack. In these situations, you’re going to want to pack the biggest and heaviest items first and then pack everything else around it.
It’s going to be so much harder to try to fit something bigger into less space if you pack your smaller items first. So to just make things easier, it’s best to get the largest and heaviest items in before things that could fit better in leftover space.
If you want to be better at packing your car or truck, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you with this.