Jeff Probst is a renowned television host, producer, and director, best known as the face of the long-running reality show Survivor. His charismatic hosting style, storytelling abilities, and deep engagement with the contestants have made him one of television’s most iconic personalities. Probst has earned multiple Emmy Awards for his role on Survivor, significantly contributing to his wealth and career longevity.
Jeff Probst Net Worth
Net Worth | $50 million (approx.) |
Sources | Television hosting, producing, endorsements |
Earnings (Annual) | $8 million – $10 million (approx.) |
Primary Income Sources | Hosting Survivor, production work |
Other Assets | Luxury homes, investments |
Jeff Probst Biography / Wiki
Full Name | Jeffrey Lee Probst |
Nick Name | Jeff |
Jeff Probst Date of Birth | November 4, 1961 |
Jeff Probst Age | 63 years (as of 2025) |
Jeff Probst Birthplace | Wichita, Kansas, United States |
Jeff Probst Nationality | American |
Jeff Probst Profession | Television Host, Producer, Director |
Jeff Probst Education | Seattle Pacific University |
Jeff Probst Current Residence | Los Angeles, California, United States |
Jeff Probst Zodiac Sign | Scorpio |
Jeff Probst Physical Appearances
Height | 5 feet 10 inches (178 cm) |
Weight | Approximately 172 lbs (78 kg) |
Eye Color | Blue |
Hair Color | Brown |
Body Type | Fit |
Distinctive Features | Warm demeanor, iconic hosting voice |
Jeff Probst Family
Father | Jerry Probst |
Mother | Barbara Probst |
Siblings | Brent Probst (brother) |
Marital Status | Married |
Spouse | Lisa Ann Russell (m. 2011) |
Children | Stepfather to Michael and Ava |
Relatives | Strong family bond |
Jeff Probst Favorite Things
Favorite Food | Sushi, Grilled Steak |
Favorite Hobby | Writing, traveling |
Favorite Music Genre | Rock, Jazz |
Favorite Movie Genre | Adventure, Drama |
Hobbies | Exploring nature, storytelling |
Jeff Probst Social Media Accounts
Platform | Handle |
@jeffprobstofficial | |
Not Available | |
YouTube | Not Available |
TikTok | Not Available |
Website | Not Publicly Disclosed |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Jeff Probst
How much is Jeff Probst worth?
Currently, Jeff Probst’s estimated earnings are about $50 million, and everything is a survivor explanation.
How old is Jeff Probst?
Jeff Probst will be 63 years old in 2025.
What is Jeff Probst’s income?
His income earned from Survivor, show hosting, producing, and endorsement deals.
Where else can I find Jeff Probst?
Fans and followers can learn more about Jeff Probst’s latest activities on Instagram as @JeffProbst.