Getting adequate sleep every night should not be challenging, but sadly, reality is different. Doctors reckon at least 7-8 hours for adults every night, but most adults hardly get more than 6 hours straight.
Over time, this leads to cognitive issues, weight gain, bad mood, degrading mental health, and a harsh negative impact on the cardiovascular system. If not managed on time, poor sleep can increase stress, and anxiety, and make the individual extremely irritated all the time.
So what’s the solution? Well, some have started flocking to CBN gummies for sleep while others have turned to melatonin. Let’s compare both and try to figure out which one can work better for your individual needs.
Is there any difference between CBN and Melatonin?
Yes, both CBN and Melatonin are completely different things. Both are easily available in the form of gummies or tinctures over the counter but have different working mechanisms. Let’s understand each in detail:
What is CBN? How does it work?
CBN is a naturally occurring plant compound that is found in old cannabis plants. It’s known for its strong, sedative, and relaxing effects. In the last few years, it has become a popular sleep remedy for those who have difficulty falling asleep due to pain, anxiety, stress, and other mental and physical issues.
It affects our body’s endocannabinoid system and makes it function better. This system is responsible for maintaining a balance in the body through the interaction between its receptors (CB1, CB2) and certain neurotransmitters (Anandamide, 2-AG).
The endocannabinoid system modulates our natural sleep rhythm, stress response, metabolism, appetite, memory, stress, pain perception, and lots of other crucial biological processes.
CBN gummies just make this function better, and as a result, we sleep better and wake up well-rested without feeling groggy. Studies have shown that CBN not only increases the duration of our REM sleep but also increases the overall duration of natural sleep cycles.
What is Melatonin? How does it work?
Melatonin is a natural hormone that is produced internally by the pineal gland in our brain. It gets released when there’s darkness and signals your body that it’s time to sleep now.
Melatonin is essential for maintaining our body’s natural clock, commonly known as circadian rhythm. When there’s light, like in the morning, melatonin levels go down, and when there’s darkness like after sunset, melatonin levels in the blood shoot up.
People who have good sleep hygiene, a regular wake and sleep routine, and a healthy lifestyle, don’t have any difficulty with melatonin levels in their bodies. Their bodies naturally produce enough to keep the sleep quality appropriate. But, as we age, melatonin production often hits a lower mark, and then discomfort from injuries, emotions, or anything else makes things even worse.
This is where melatonin gummies come in the picture. They are specifically formulated with certain relaxing ingredients like Chamomile, to help your body feel relaxed and fall into a deep restful sleep. Each gummy contains 3-10mg of melatonin, and lots of other relaxing and mind-calming ingredients, and should be consumed before bed for best results.
Is it safe to combine CBN and Melatonin?
Yes, technically there shouldn’t be any issue when you take both CBN and Melatonin together. These days you can find gummies with both melatonin and CBN in them. This merged sync effect creates a better overall impact on your sleep quality. For example, deep sleep gummies from Colorado Botanicals have CBN + Melatonin + Full Spectrum Hemp Extract, all in one bottle.
Though some people don’t like to mix things, they can buy CBN and Melatonin gummies separately, and use them on alternative days or at different times. The crux is that there’s no harm in combining CBN and Melatonin. Doing so can lead to better, deeper, and longer sleep cycles.
However, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid CBN and melatonin as there’s not enough research yet to study how these compounds affect a growing child or fetus.
How long do melatonin and CBN gummies take to work?
Both melatonin and CBN gummies can take somewhere between 30 to 90 minutes to work. This is because gummies first pass through your digestive tract before getting metabolized and mixed into your bloodstream.
1-2 gummies a few hours before bedtime are more than enough for most users. It’s best if you keep track of dosage and don’t increase it suddenly to avoid the risk of tolerance build-up. But which one is better?
Well, both are good, and it’s better to try them at different intervals and stick with what works best for you. Just give your body time to adjust to the compounds, it takes time to work.
What if both melatonin and CBN don’t work for me?
In that case, the culprit is your lifestyle. No gummies will work if you are not willing to make some major changes from your end. But it’s also possible that you are just built differently and your body is not very adaptive and reactive to such supplements.
Whatever the case is, you can make things better by having a warm shower, avoiding screens 1 hour before bedtime, eating a light dinner, avoiding heavy exercise in the evening, and playing some soothing music in the background.
Reading hardcopies also helps, and you can also try some meditation and breathing exercises. Try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day.
The End Part
To sum it up, No, CBN and Melatonin are not the same thing. One is a plant compound, while the other is a natural hormone. The use case of both is more or less similar, which is to make you sleep better.
Both are available in the form of gummies, oils, etc, over the counter through offline and online stores. Opt for melatonin gummies if you have jet lag or naturally low melatonin levels, and opt for CBN gummies if your poor sleep is because of bedtime anxiety, pain, and stress. If you want to try both together, then Deep Sleep Gummies from Colorado Botanicals can be a good option.